RCI TV and RCI Resort Showcase

Our company had videos made for six resorts we manage.  While we have had significant results with our websites which have many still pictures, the addition of video has had a tremendous impact.  Our owners love being able to share resort video with their friends.  We have had many positive comments from renters and exchangers who selected our resorts in part because of the videos and pictures made available to them.  We believe this investment returned excellent value for the expenditure.

Thomas Adams
President, Suncoast Vacation Condos

Since the RCI TV® network launched in 2009, it has provided millions of RCI® subscribing members and non-members alike with high-definition video content of our multitude of destination options. In the process, it has helped our participating resort affiliates increase their resort visibility and helped them increase inventory utilization. The results speak for themselves: more than 4 million video views and more than 77,000 click-throughs to affiliate websites.

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Through RCI® Resort Showcase, you can leverage that visibility to promote your own property through high-quality custom video and photography designed to put your resort in the best possible light for RCI's member base. When RCI members view videos before confirming a vacation, they pick RCI TV resorts up to 63 percent more often than resorts not featured on RCI TV.

When you participate in Resort Showcase, you own the images and videos! Use them in whatever way you want to promote your resort, support your sales and marketing efforts, create pride and excitement among your owners and inject extra life into your social media campaigns. 

Showcase your resort to a
World of Prospects