RCI is the first in the industry to unveil Trading Power transparency, transforming vacation exchange for RCI Weeks® members
RCI delivers a new level of benefits through the RCI Platinum® membership tier
The RCI mobile app makes its debut
The RCI® V-TrendsSM tool—the first of its kind in the industry—is launched, enabling subscribing members to track their vacations in near real time

RCI launches a full-blown social media presence to generate positive chatter about the vacation ownership industry
RCI is the first in the industry to introduce a vacation-recommendation feature on its website that enhances the vacation-search experience on
RCI launches the Endless Vacation® magazine app for iPad®
RCI brings RCI® PresenterSM, an exciting touchscreen tool, into resort salesrooms to help enhance and energize the conversation about exchange
The Registry Collection® exchange program celebrates its 10th anniversary
A mobile version of is launched 
RCI surpasses 1,000,000 views on YouTube

The first online monitoring solution to be tailored specifically to the vacation exchange industry is launched:RCI Timeshare Online Listening Center® (TOLC),
RCI launches the RCI® Affiliate mobile app
RCI launches RCI® Online Tour Generation program to help drive qualified tours to RCI affiliated resorts
RCI Ventures® magazine relaunches
The RCI Facebook page surpasses a quarter-million “Likes”

RCI celebrates its 40th anniversary and the future of the timeshare industry
The RCI LiveStream® platform launches, becoming the first visual remote selling system for the timeshare industry.
RCI adds an integrated digital version of the RCI® Directory of Affiliated Resorts for iPad® to the Endless Vacation® magazine app.
RCI launches a new communications platform for its members, allowing faster transaction confirmations and more personalized messaging.
RCI expands the RCI Platinum® membership program to offer even more premium-tier benefits.
The RCI Resort Recognition Program celebrates
its 25th anniversary.
RCI becomes the first timeshare exchange company to offer travel options to Cuba.
RCI celebrates its 10th consecutive year as title sponsor of the annual RCI® Christel House Open International Charity Golf Tournament.