Affiliate News is now available in Japanese!
July 1, 2016

With the launch of in Japanese, RCI members residing in Japan can now search and book vacations 24/7 in the comfort of their own home.

We are delighted to announce the launch of in Japanese!

How does this benefit you?

Easy accessibility for your members
Your members can now search inventory, book vacation exchanges, deposit their weeks, access a number of special vacation offers and benefits and enjoy online functionality in the convenience of their own home. They can even get answers to frequently asked questions and the latest updates from RCI. With an RCI Web Demo Account, your sales staff can give them a sneak preview!

On-site live demo: an effective sales tool for you
Web demo accounts will be provided to you, allowing your sales staff to illustrate the benefit of RCI in Japanese. The demo account enables the customer at your sales table to search for sample vacation availability on, enhancing the value of your product. Having the website available in Japanese makes it easier for your potential members to understand the benefits of the product.

Better customer service support
With the demo account, your customer service team would also be able to guide members on how to use to search and book for their vacations online.

From now till 8 July 2016, Japanese RCI members get to enjoy JPY4000 off their next exchange* when they register and/or login to their account!

Thank you for bearing with us through the years while we work to get the Japanese version of up and running. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we continue to enhance to benefit our mutual customers.